Canvas - Path To Beach - Set 2

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  • Code: AP176-2
  • Size: 40X50X2 CM
This simple and beautiful Canvas - Path to Beach Set 2 leads to only one great destination, a truly relaxing and refreshing atmosphere that is situated in a far away and secluded beach somewhere.
A perfect get away is what this canvas is trying to show the onlooker. The small burst of light from an unseen source floods the scenic view with a somber and isolated mood, perfect for anyone who wants to experience some time alone. The canvas shows two pictures, one displays a beach sign that shows a well-treaded path ailed by brown bamboo fences, guiding onlookers to what the second picture has to offer. On the other hand, the second picture shows a sandy pathway which leads to an open seashore which in turn leads to the open sea, set against a bluish sky with dark clouds. For people who own a beach shack or runs a business at the beach, this Canvas - Path to Beach Set 2 is certainly something worth looking at.