Canvas - Sepia Piers Set 2

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  • Code: AP209-2
  • Size: 40X40X1.8CM
A set of two sepia canvases depicting a mystic pier receding into the distance of a lake with a mountain backdrop.
Beautifully photographed, these images have a contemporary feel to them, as if perfect for an art gallery display. And yet the soft sepia tones and aged piers with their ramshackle timbers, hark of yesteryear. These finely presented canvases would be perfect to display together, or equally at home apart, such is the easy nature of their colouring and design. Fine perhaps for the living room, dining room, bedroom, or hallway, the pictures issue a sense of calm and tranquility. There is also an understated style to these pictures, with the use of space and natural lines, all beautifully composed by the photographer. The charm and mystery of these canvases will draw people in, and hold their attention. A truly versatile set of images that will be perfect for interior designers looking to add an element of subtle artistry.