Battery Candle Silver Lrg
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It resembles a pillar candle that can set the space aglow with its mellow soft and romantic light. And yet, this is not your regular candle but a much more efficient version that is fumeless, flameless and the kind of candle that can continue to provide soft lighting for a whole lot of hours. A superb means to build in a romantic feel in your interiors and more so the outdoors when the occasion demands that the party moves to the garden.
You will simply love the manner in which this alternative to real candles comes with a flame shaped bulb that lights up in the same golden hue as a real flame. The in - glow it creates is because of the position of the bulb which makes the structure of the candle also acquire a beautiful lit up hue. The candle will give you no waxy runs or cause any danger to pets or children. Simply switch it on and let its warm glowing light create juts the kind of ambiance you would want. Could be placed on consoles, in clusters of several such candles. Will last through the evening and be ready to be reused the next time. Long battery life shall ensure that. A wonderful alternative of the fear of having frisky pets and even more friskier toddlers stops you from making the best of your decoration ideas. Could be placed on low tables, consoles, at entryways and even the outdoor without fear of the weather playing a spoiler.