Canvas Vase Of Cotton Flowers
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Tinges and hues, softness of colours meeting the confident brushstroke that an artist par excellence could have created, here is a great means to make your interiors wear the look of summer freshness with mellow colours. This polyester canvas made artwork on offer from Lavida has the capability to transform the look of walls with its mild kind of summer freshness.
The canvas has the robustness to hold colours and make them shine through the dullest of days - after all great looking art has the capability to not just lift your mood but also ensure that your décor reaches its most beautiful self with an inclusion as exclusive as this. Made from polyester canvas that retains and make colours look bright and dense despite being there on the walls for long, this one placement on the wall will ensure great focusing of not just the theme , but help all other décor artefacts to fall into the right place. The powdery soft colours of the cotton flowers, the subtle shades in the backdrop ahs all bene captured with much perfection and the finishing given in the form of the pine wood frae too is as great. The canvas is 60 cm in height and 90 cm in length thus making it a great means to add that much needed beauty spot on the wall behind the bed or the couch.