Clock Classic Framed Black
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Simple, yet elegant, the Clock Classic Framed Black is would be a charmer to many customers as it would fit their idea of the perfect wall clock. It is made in a perfectly round shape which measures 60 centimetres across in height and length while being 6.5 centimetres wide. The Arabic numbers or numerals are also clearly spelt out and conspicuous enough even for the visually impaired to be able to see the time.
The Clock Classic Framed Black has a classic appealing design which is a product of its savvy material component, large sized dimension, perfectly round shapeliness and overall general aesthetics. It is made using specially engineered wood - Medium Density Fibreboard material which is painted in jet black while the metallic clock hands are equally painted in black. Encasing the surface is the use of premium quality, crystal clear glass. Place your order right now as only limited number is available.