Clock Home Made
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The bright and sunny face of the clock is painted red and white - the combination that makes even a dull day seem most lively. The clock comes with a similar distressed paint effect that is seen in many clocks from Lavida but in this case there is something modern yet vintage in the way the message of a happy home seems to be conveyed. The face reads - éHappiness Home Made' and the numbering is very modern style unlike the more ornate kind with Roman numerals. The hands of the clock are quite prominent and will show the time very clearly even from a distance. The very antique look created in the clock becomes its USP - the fact that it is period piece makes it all the more charming and when placed in any part of the interior it is bound to draw a great deal of attention. The rust marks, the peeling paint and the deep character etched all across its face are simply worth owning.