Coasters Cats Fault
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The Coasters Cats Fault is a collection of ceramic made coasters that pose a visual spectacle and a decorative opportunity which discerning customers can make the most of by incorporating it into their Christmas decorative engagement this coming Christmas. It consists of four coasters which has its surface ornamented with Santa's felt hat and various words in different fonts and colours.
You must have observed that cats spend a lot of time sleeping. But, did you know that out of the 24 hours in a day, our domestic cats spend approximately 70 per cent of the total day sleeping and when they wake, they spend about 15 per cent grooming their furry fur? Their cuddling, cute and clean nature is one of the several reasons why many of your customers love them so much. As a result, this Coasters Cats Fault would be a quick selling Christmas functional ornament as it fuses the theme of Santa and cats.