Dark Natural Placemat
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Neutral shades always give one the advantage of innumerable combinations and what better way to bring in the casual or formal look with these tightly woven but lightweight yet sturdy mats that's spell class, farm fresh feel and a cottage look that always makes the table come alive with more warmth of hospitality. Make small occasions count by using such mats that make even the everyday table settings look extra special. The mats have been designed to remain skid free, moisture proof and heat proof thus insulating the table top from any harm. Could be used under lamps and as the backdrop for other things you place on the console or at the bedside. The size is adequately large for table center placement as well as for individual seating. Here is a stellar manner in which Lavida has brought back some greatly innovative ideas into home decor by combining traditional crafts with modern needs of homes. Each mat comes with length of 45 cm and width of 30 cm.