Drawers Blue Pattern Tall
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The Drawers Blue Pattern Tall is a lovely wooden furniture that is artfully crafted in a lively palette as it is not only immensely ornamental but also suitably functional for storage and safe keeping of valuables such jewelleries, pictures, and sentimental things such as trinkets, keepsakes, etc. Apart from its storage and display options, it can also be displayed strategically within a room while it elevate and redefines the overall decorative atmosphere.
Cleverly crafted in a vertically inclined dimension, the Drawers Blue Pattern Tall has an unparalleled aesthetic appeal that makes it particularly suitable for use in heightening the decorative atmosphere of various spatial setting including but not limited to bedrooms, offices, dining rooms, hotel rooms, guest rooms, and wherever else pleases your customers. This tall set of drawers consists of three square shaped drawers with each drawer being decorated in varied but brightly appealing patterns. It measures 11 centimetres in length, 11 centimetres in width, and 37.5 centimetres in height.