Filo Black Bag S/2
The great value of this set of two bags comes from the fact that it comes in two sizes. Also storage would be far easier as one bag nestles into the other with ease. The larger one could easily be day bag that could help one carry many essentials for day - long trips or a day out at the beach. A very useful carryall for those whose children are small which would mean a horde of things like bottles, diapers or even toys. Delightfully designed, smooth and very neat in its finish, the craftsmanship is of very high quality and the look so very appealing. A must buy if shopping is your passion as this set of bags would come in handy for both exhaustive or shorter trips. Stylishly natural in its look, the colour combination of black and beige looks stunning with summer wear and all kinds of casual dresses. Carried in hand or and slung over the shoulder or wrist, this bag would most definitely grab many eyeballs. Finished to great neatness, the set of bags is a wonderful buy if the coming summers would mean long beach outings and shopping trips with the kids.