Flower Plate Fente White
This flower plate fente is a great piece of craftsmanship and design aesthetics as it blends in neutral shades of white with burnished colours with great perfection. Elegant and highly usable as a food platter or simply as a place to keep knick knacks or even as a dining table addition on which you could place anything that you want to draw special attention to. This platter may be used for serving or simply as any decorative item that one may use on a table. A great piece to lend the table a classic neat touch. Marvellously proportioned to suit being used for serving as a platter, this plate will also be handy for those moments when you wish to give a kind of gift that will truly be appreciated by the one who receives. The flower plate has adequate depth to be used even as a shallow bowl or as place where you could add some floating flowers just to brighten up the table.