Frame - Sky Blue Lrg
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Typically you're against solid colour frames. There's something about them that's just plain and boring, both of which you are not. They usually go against your definition of style, but then you came across these large Blue Sky Frames from Lavida and you realized you may have been a little quick to judge.
These stunning frames have a multi-layer textured surface, all of which is covered in a sky blue colour that's worn and weathered to give them an aged appearance. Everyone will think these frames have been stored in your grandma's attic for years, and it's all thanks to their antique appeal. While their style is fabulous enough, your guests will undoubtedly compliment how well the frames match with the beautiful pictures they hold. Hang the frames proudly where you can see them on a daily basis, and relish in the fact that they were one of the smartest purchases you've made in a long time.