Hang Heart Friends Forever
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When it comes to pretty little accent there can be few which in match the beauty of this tiny ceramic heart. If you believe that small is big and a little goes a long way in ensuring that your home and spaces look aligned to the festive spirit - this little heart belongs to you. Could be given away as a party favour or simply gift along with a larger gift - it could also be used as a tiny hang able accessory or used as a tag for a bigger gift.
The messages simple- the look fresh and Pristine- this tiny heart conveys a great deal through its little message printed across the front - friends forever. For that one friend who makes you smile and realise the beauty of life everyday- this is the perfect little gift which would be given without reason but with all the love that you can fathom. Made from fine quality ceramic, it has a Ribbon slaughtered on the top which makes it easy to hang. You can use it like a tag on a larger present. The delicate colours of the print makes it all the more desirable for its impressive meat finish. The butterfly and the little beads on the top adds to the detail which makes it all the more pretty.