Jug Tall Palms
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The captivating aura of the Jug Tall Palms is a product of the rustic material component with which it was made coupled with the weathered floral glazing. It is a jug that would instantly be noticed by customers for its exceptional decorative appeal as the body is glazed in bright appealing shade of green. Apart from that, it is moulded with a tall dimension measuring a whopping 31 centimetres in height!
The Jug Tall Palms is a decoratively functional homeware that is certain to attract much interest and love from your customers and their family and guests irrespective of that part of the home where it is placed. It is made from terracotta earthenware and moulded in a sturdy, tall, rustic looking shape. It has an antique look with an ergonomic handle that makes it easy to carry this huge bulk of a jug. The antique look is achieved through the green washed glazing of a tall palm tree which appears brightly on the terracotta frame.