Lapin Vest Long Grey
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The softness of the fur weave will amaze you as will the eclectic mix of several hues of greys interspersed with whites. This stunning jacket combines a wonderful old style with a modern twist, the kind you would be happy to begin your winters with. Simple styling, high grade fur that has been sourced from ethical suppliers and a design suited to all kinds of modern dressing style.
Go for winters this season with lapin fur coat that combines the utterly soft and light weight comfort of rabbit fur with a simple style. For ages rabbit fur has bene used for fabricating wonderful jackets and bringing back the charm of this age - old style is Lavida with this sleeveless grey jacket that has a soft grey colour, the kind to combine well with all our latest dressing needs. Worn with denims, formal trousers and blousons or with high neck vest, it will look smart and well fitted creating a stunning silhouette despite its apparent fuzziness. The lightweight fur has been cured to last you through much usage. The longish jacket is the kind to cover your hip and keep your upper torso warm and comfortable. The hem on the lower side has a tasselled finish that adds a touch of bohemia to the look. The collar and the single front closure has a trim of long haired fur to contrast with the short - woven fur in the rest.