Led Rope Wire Lights Red 2m
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Be it an anniversary, a promotion or festive occasions, it always makes a demand to make your home look well prepared for it. While major décor changes can be too tedious there are always little lights that can be added both indoors as well as outdoors to bring on the celebratory fun of the occasion. Here is a 200 cm string with tiny light bulbs that glow with a light red when switched on. Attached to a case that holds three cells, this is one of those strings that consumes very little power and can be operated with the help of battery and thus need not be near any power source. Great for lighting up outdoors and hassle free in terms of wiring that could get in the way. No electricity needed, for this is the simplest way to accessorize trees, banners, or any such display that could make your party look all the more invitingly special.