Magnifying Slip Shades Of Blue
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Made from plastic and glass, this high quality magnifying slip is exactly the little accessory that can be such a great help when the print or the design get a little too small for oneés eyes to see. Apart from missing on important details or asking someone to help out with understanding what is written, one can usually end up not buying the article one liked at first look as the details could not be seen by you and sometimes it is in the detail wherein can get all the answers to quality. Carrying this handy little magnifying glass that is just about 14 cm in length and 4 cm in width, is rather easy as it fits into all standard sizes of purses and can help one read the list of ingredients on packs, the components on medicine blister packs or bottles and so many other critical things that matter. Designed to suit oneés aesthetic need, this is indeed a lovely little accessory which is truly useful.