Metal Print Pacific
While art has always depended on imagination and perspective sometimes the skill of the artist in the past lay also in replicating factual dimensions about species and maps that needed great accuracy. Raising this to a new form of art is this wonderfully stylish print that shows the map of the Pacific. Framed in a rather handsome MDF frame with metal detailing, it looks positively robust and has been given such a contemporary look. It's a composition that simply creates an aura of timelessness and of times of great explorations and discovery - a time for modern thoughts and possibilities and thus helps build a positive energy in that space. The print though not very bright though very clear in its details with the original colour and feel of the cartographic copied in print to perfection. In fact it is quite easy to read names of all the locations rather easily. The dimensions of this frame with 60 cm of length and 42 cm width gives it the size that will dominate the wall it is placed on and make the right impact with its subtle beauty.