Mirror Antique Classic Hexagon
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Adding mirrors of the right kind will not just reflect your image but also your great taste so a tasteful choice of vintage mirrors is a great means to enhance the classic value of your home and spaces and when they come in original and unique shapes, they make an impact quite bold - like this hexagonal shaped mirrors whose subtle beauty will not be lost on anyone.
While décor articles abound all over your living spaces, there are walls that could do with more attention and when the need for art has been over stretched you could find refuge in mirrors - mirrors can be expansive in the manner in which they impact the look of your spaces. They with their design can add modernity and traditional touches where needed - like this hexagonal shaped mirror whose frame is made with MDF and has been hued in a modern manner using colours that is muted and subtle. The very shape explores a modern possibility while the overall look and feel, touched in gilt gives it a classic feel. The speckled frame in white has edgings in gold that helps it derive its antique look. Its height is 45 cm while its width at 50 makes it quite large presence in any part of your home. Would lend your spaces the helping hand of making it feel larger - so cramped corners near a source of light could help it build in light and feeling of spaciousness. A great means to keep your home looking sparkling bright and markedly more opened out. Place it behind consoles or side boards.