Mirror Cove Natural
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Mirrors are one of those special categories of homewares, gift wares, and general items which are constantly in demand. As a result, there is always a market for mirrors and this is why you would be making the right decision by stocking up on several carton quantities of this Mirror Cove Natural! It is made in a shapely spherical form using all-natural, 100% organic rattan material and premium quality glass material.
With this Mirror Cove Natural showcasing a lovely, moderately large sized mirror which oozes of elegance and aesthetic finesse, this mirror would appeal greatly to the natural decorative and practically functional decorative sensibilities of all of your customers given its immensely appealing design. At the centre is a beautiful, highly reflective premium quality glass while intricately woven around this in a lovely pattern while forming a spherical shape is the use of 100% organic rattan material. It measures 100 centimetres across in length, 3 centimetres in thickness and 100 centimetres across in height.