Oil Painting Concentric Rings
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Art is the best way of wearing your ideas around you, and when the medium is determined it in some ways also colludes with the idea that then conforms to a certain kind of thought that is placed on the canvas. Here is a simple design in two shades, off white and shades of rusty brown that caricature concentric circles - a repetitive design that signifies the unending circle of life.
The canvas oil painting denotes a gorgeous pattern, the kind that will throw into relief the beauty of colours as soothing as the design that is has been chosen to help it blend in with all kinds of decors. Here is a lovely piece from Lavida that allows one to accept patterns, in repetitive from to convey the message of uniformity, unity and a sublime connection between life and all that happens in everyone's life. It is in this knowing wherein lies the end of all that we seek and one gains the ultimate power to be at peace. Concentric circles have the same pattern as Mandala drawings in Budhhism and Hindu theology and reflects the circle of life - to which all of us belong. This pattern on the wall will create a beautiful feeling of peaceful union between all elements in your décor. Captivating yet, in its own way at peace with the surroundings.