Paperweight All You Need
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A brilliant splash of red colour at the base of this crystal clear glass rectangle make it look like a very special piece to add to oneés work or study table. Paperweights, like the rest if Lavidaés creation come with the same promise of high quality material usage and avant garde designs few can replicate.
Few things can match the accessorization that some paper weights can provide to oneés work station or study place. This stunning red coloured paper weights has the clarity of image owing much to the superior quality glass used in making it and the right choice of graphics whose wonderful imagery is enhanced by the glass seeming to thus look wonderfully dramatic while it sits sedately over sheets of paper. A piece of utility has been given a great treatment by the designers at Lavida to make it look so great that it will be loved as much as a gift as it will be loved a personal possession. About 9 cm in length and 6 cm in width, its smooth sides and wonderful fit on the hand makes it a great pick for oneés own personal use.