Planter Whale 34cm
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The details of the uplifted tail, fins, the gills and the play of subtle colours that shows itself off all the more intensely through the gorgeous sheen of the ceramic are some of the most eye-catching features of this well-crafted piece. Proportioned in away to be suitable for a medium size plant with firm and upright stems will allow the beauty of the planter to be visible as well. The pretty hues used are earthy and natural and this significantly helps it straddle the pre-existing thematic in terms of colour. Greens have the ability to permeate into any space making them achieve a whole new vibrancy. This planter besides helping you achieve that will bring a refresh in terms of theme as well as a touch if artisanal beauty that thus hand-crafted piece possesses. The whale is hand finished with the speckled colouring and the dainty usage of colour effect adding to its near natural look. The glaze tends to be uneven typical of articles that represent a fine artisanal tradition.