Shallow Woven Trays Red S/3
Lightweight, easy to maintain and equally easy to carry around while serving, these trays have been =designed d so as to help transport thing son it with ease. Be it a stack of plates, glasses filled to the brim or plate loads of eats-the balance it will allow is ensured because of the manner in which its been structured. The bright yet deep auburn colour has been achieved with a colour wash that has been made to give it a colour but the kind that brightens up its look without losing its natural feel. The raised brims and the structure of the handles allow an easy grip. The weave is strong enough so as to help the trays retain their shape. Easy to wipe clean very pleasing to display on the table with bottles of jams and conserves placed on them giving the table areal homely cottage feel. Could be used to organize all things needed for a barbecue or an outdoor party-there are indeed multifarious uses for these trays.