Sign Beach Treasures
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You've had a love for the beach since you were young. There's just something so special about it. Maybe it's the way the sand feels beneath your feet, the smell of the air, or the beauty of the waves as they crash to shore, but to you, there's no better place in the world. It's for that reason that this Beach Treasures Sign is going to make a fantastic addition to your home.
The vibrant blue sign has a white inner border with a shell on two corners, and orange and white lettering in the center that reads, "Come walk with me along the beach where sunsets seem within reach. We'll search for treasures in the sand as we walk hand in hand." A little crab is also featured. Whether you live at the beach or you just wish you did, this sign will certainly brighten up even the blandest of spaces, and remind you that wherever you are, beach days are not that far off.