Sign Superheroes
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Children have a very refined memory and tend to associate victory in life with superheroes that they pick up via various channels of communication around them. This could be from a blockbuster movie, action mini-series on television, gaming consoles or even internet and social media. One can thus effectively use these super-achievers to convey important messages to the young ones.
This sign superheroes, expresses the message 'superheroes Brush your teeth, wash your hands flush, floss, hang up your towel. Bold black is used for the letters, against canvas-looking background of brown at the corners, which notably fades into beige, the prominent shade at the centre radiating outwards. The words used communicate intensely to the subconscious mind of a growing child, who aptly equates superheroes with conquest. It means the little one will be less averse to following the instructions inscribed on the signboard. The brown and black colour-combination utilized indicates the gravity of this message.