Standing Sign Happy Gold
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Easy styling of spaces can be done with so many different means and one of course is the usage of sign boards. This tiny little white and gold outlines message will make the space come alive with a sort of cheer that stays within. Made of MDF, which should last through mush usage, the white background looks ethereal and pure while the message itself inspires one to do that one good deed in one day that should bring happiness even when the day is over. The deep gold lettering and the white backdrop gives an imagery of purity. The sign board is just 6 cm tall and 10 cm in width and thus its flat structure will allow it to be placed in all kinds of small spaces, even shelves, table top , without intruding on to the rest of the décor. While beige prominently noticeable it does not upset the pre existing décor and yet makes its presence felt with its beautiful thought.