Standing Sign Life Beach
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For the love of those ocean waves that never stop to mesmerize you, or the sound of the breeze that has the scent of salt and the song of the skies in them or the softness of the sand and the bump of an occasional pebble - life truly is a beach filled with so many wonders and yet always reminding you of the temporary nature of things. If your love for the ocean goes beyond the ordinary - here is a sign board that will help reflect that love.
This sign board with its brilliant blue faéade and the sparkling white print makes for quite a charming display in any home that is close to the beach or in someone's home whose heart is . The love for the ocean can be depicted in so many different ways but if one wants to wear that love on the sleeve, there can be nothing more rapturous than declaring it with utter convection though such modern signage. Adding colour and thought to the theme - this is a modern take on décor that contemporary homes are not shy to use. Gift it to your home or to someone whose love for the beach is profound. The signboard stands at a height of 13 cm and has width of 10 cm and will stand sturdily on its 4 cm side that will allow it a freestanding design. Great for the desk, the mantle or even the bar where little touches of quirk always work.