Standing Sign Much Happy
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Struck by the essence of what true happiness means - the boundless flow of emotion, the feeling of being loved and protected - that one can never have enough of and this standing sign allows one to express just that. A free standing little signboard that can be easily displayed in any part of the home.
Smart and chic, some sign boards are not just ways of conveying what spoken words cannot and they do fill that space with a certain verve and content that is quite distinct. Make all who look at this little addition to your home feel the love that your heart is filled with. The standing sign is all of 10 cm tall and 10 cm in width with 5 cm of depth which allows the sign to be placed on any kind of flat surface and thereby allowing its effect to be seen from up close. The white board with its rather pretty lithographic style is pleasing to look at and the message itself makes the heart fill with the greed for more joy - it simply says - You can never have too much happy! Greet your guest at the entrance of your home with this display or place it on your desk when you feel like life is getting to much of a burden - one look its message and you know you have all the right to get more happier!