#stool/table Succulent
Bright and beautiful, the #Stool/Table Succulent has versatile practical functionalities to which customers can put it to use. Among the several uses, it can be used as a stool which would be perfect in strategic locations around the house or other spatial settings. It can also be used as a side table such as in living rooms and even in offices. It would also be perfect for use as a display stand over which potted plants, vases and artificial plants can be placed.
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The #Stool/Table Succulent is ornately decorated through its use and combination of colours to form its immensely alluring palette. It is also elaborately hand painted with the image and motif of various succulent plants. Moulded using pure quality ceramic material, this ceramic table/stool has a cut-in design on two opposite sides so as to provide an easy and ergonomic avenue through which this ceramic ware can be carried.