Trinket Box Cherry Blossom
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Tiny little treasures - you know how much you love coveting them for your collection; your eyes lighting up each time you come across a unique pair of earrings or stunner of a ring - yet like any other trinket lover you are always concerned and worried about finding a safe haven for them to be stored. Here is a beautifully designed trinket case that singularly ensures that your little treasures are well within reach and always ready for you to use them when you need to coordinate them with your outfit.
Keep this beautifully crafted ceramic made trinket box on your dresser, and perhaps one on your bed side table too - after all considering how we go about collecting so many such pieces we could add more storage though this inclusion. This round case has a diameter of 17 .5 cm and thus allows some large numbers from your collection to find its safety here. The ceramic case has a lid that sits well on top, resting well inside the groove with no fear of slippage. The soft off - white case with a design as soft and graceful makes for a lovely means to lend your bedside or dresser a touch of elegance as well. Easy to lift the lid and the depth of the case ensuring that you could fit in a large ring or larger size of trinkets as well. Add this to your own space or gift it to another whose love for trinkets is known to you.