Tub/ Planter Ella
The Tub/Planter Ella is an unconventionally stylish artificial plant displaying planter which will keep your stock of planters looking fresh, on-trend and updated. Having gone far and wide sourcing for great, appealing products of great quality and at the most affordable pricing, we have just recently added this item to our hugely selling stock of Wholesale Children's Gifts & Décor.
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Beautifully hand crafted in a cylindrical shaped dimension which measures 20 centimetres in its length, an equal 20 centimetres in its width and the same 20 centimetres in height, this Tub/Planter Ella was definitely crafted to appeal to and satisfy all of your customers' aesthetic sensibilities. Even the most finicky and picky of your savvy clientele will find it absolutely irresistible given its unconventional choice of material component and design. Crated using top quality cotton material, it will blend in with all décor as it is mad in a white palette with cream coloured fringes decorating the rim.