Votive Salt Cristal Circle
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There is this touch of purity and beauty that comes with illumination that we derive from candlelight which makes all things around seem all the more pretty as it hides imperfections. This rather modern crystal designed votive blends a new twists to tea lights by engorging the light with a new colour and thus create a superb magical sort of lighting effect.
The crystalline quality of the votive feels so natural as does the texture and colour - when not lit from within this votive has a subdued pale amber look and when the tea light is lit, it glows from within in manner that is completely unique in effect. This votive has been made from natural occurring Himalayan rock salt that lends its natural colour to the light. The textured votive has been handcrafted from the crystals salt that occurs in nature which makes this votive all the more novel and unique. The rock salt is supposed to neutralize the air by reducing negativity and anxiety and thus having this kind of a votive serves a dual purpose. As an illuminating accent it's fabulous in every sense. Juts about 9 cm in height and diameter it has been carved to a cylindrical shape and a tiny compartment has been created for small little tea light which can be easily tipped over once a replacement is needed.